St. John the Evangelist catholic church
New construction and just finished. Dark bronze Nordic gutter system matches this beauty.Corners and downspouts
Inside corner on top level and outside on first floor, and the six downspouts handle the water on this section.
Steeple and bell
The side entrance is well covered and some beautiful carpentry forms the truss work.
Side entrance
The complete Nordic gutter system adds detail and fits well anywhere. Beautiful craftmanship with the exposed rafters and framework.
Bay windows
135 degree outside miters over the bay windows. All hangers are with long shafts and mounted on the roofs.
Bay window install
Bay windows from the opposite side. The 135 degree miters are made out of a piece of metal, no caulking either needed or wanted.
Side view
The sleek Nordic Gutters system just matches perfectly with the smooth stone fascia. No corrugated elbows that collects dirt and look horrible.
Bell tower and front
The church is so large you can barely see any of our gutter systems in this picture. With a 120 foot tall bell tower this church looks fantastic.
Baber Enterprises from Staunton with brothers Robert and Sean does excellent work. This newly built church in Waynesboro looks fantastic, and the dark bronze Nordic gutter system will provide looks and water management for years to come.